15 Myths About Interior Designers: BUSTED
There are a lot of myths about interior designers. People seem to think that we can transform any space into something beautiful with just a few quick tricks. But the truth is, interior design is a lot more complex than that. In fact, there are actually 15 myths about Interior Designers In Delhi that are totally busted! Keep reading to find out what they are. 1. All interior designers are experts in architecture – FALSE While many interior designers have a background in architecture, it is not required in order to become an interior designer. Interior designers may specialize in residential or commercial design, or they may focus on a specific type of project such as healthcare or hospitality design. 2. Interior designers only work on new construction projects – FALSE Interior designers often work on both new construction and renovation projects. They may be involved in the initial planning stages of a project, or they may be brought in later to help with the finished pr...